Checkout and Payment
You can checkout and pay for one campaign or multiple campaigns at the same time.
Payment - One campaign
In the last step in the Campaign Wizard, you can either pay for the campaign immediately by clicking on Checkout, or you can postpone payment by clicking on Add to Cart.
When you edit a previously saved campaign, the campaign opens in the wizard. If you have yet to pay for this campaign, you have the option to do so by clicking on Checkout.
Click Create Campaign for a new campaign or Edit for an existing campaign.
You can navigate back and forth at any time using Back and Next.
When you are satisfied with the choices made in each step, review the campaign.
You can always change targeting options and add creatives later.
Select Checkout.
The payment must be made by credit card.

Promo code discount
If you have a promo code you can use it on the Checkout page.
Click the + icon.

2. Enter the promo code and select Apply.

3. If the code is valid the discount is applied.

A promo code can be invalid for various reasons:
The expiration date has passed.
You have already used the code.
Your order does not meet the minimum amount required.
The publisher has revoked the promo code.
If a promo code is invalid, an explanation message will be displayed.
Payment - Multiple campaigns
You can also pay for multiple campaigns at once.
The selected campaigns will be included in one order.
If you have multiple campaigns ready for checkout, click on the shopping cart in the top right hand corner. You can also navigate to the checkout page for a single campaign and select Pay Multiple (located in the right hand box where you pay for an order).

You will be redirected to a list of all your campaigns that have not yet been paid for. Any draft campaigns will also be included in this list, as long as the start date is in the future.
Select which campaigns you wish to checkout and pay for and click Confirm.

The system then reviews inventory availability for the selected campaigns. If there are not enough impressions available, you will be notified. In this case, you can adjust the schedule or broaden the targeting in your campaigns.

Review the new order and select a credit card.
When you have checked the order, click Pay.
Your credit card will be charged, and a summary of your order will be displayed.