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Creatives are the actual ads shown to your audience. You can add as many creatives as you like, and you can add them at any time before or during the campaign.

Before the ads can go live, they must be reviewed and approved by the publisher. For more information, see the Creative Approval Policy in the Creative Wizard.

Adding Creatives

You can add creatives from the Campaign Wizard and from the Campaign details.

Create Campaign > Creatives + New creative

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Campaign details > Creatives > + New creative

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Creative Wizard

Postmedia Ad Manager offers many ways to add creative to your campaign.

  1. Create your own using the Creative Builder template – Create ads in multiple sizes in a few simple steps.

  2. Upload your own pre-designed creative.

  3. Select previously used creative from your creative library.


Building your own Creative

Select this option if you want to build your own creative using creative templates. By following simple steps you will add the image, the logo, the copy, and other required information.

Read more about this tool here.

Upload Your own pre-designed creative

Select this option to upload a banner ad. The ad must be complete (image and copy) since it will not be possible to edit your image once uploaded.

Read more about this tool here.

Use creative from your creative library.

Select this option for an ad from a previous campaign. The Creative Library stores all the creatives you have built or uploaded. This option allows you to quickly add creative that has already been approved, or to copy and edit a creative without having to build it from scratch.

Learn more about the Creative Library here

Creative Status

After adding your creative to your campaign, each creative must be approved before your ad can be shown to audiences.

Here are all creative statuses:

Creative status

  • When you first add a creative it is in DRAFT status.

  • When a new campaign is paid or when you add a new creative to a paid campaign, the creative is UNDER REVIEW.

  • For creatives UNDER REVIEW, the publisher will get notified, and your creative will be either Approved or Rejected

  • You will be notified by email when your creative is approved or rejected. In case of a rejection, the reason why it was not approved will be included in the email. If your creative is rejected, you can copy it and make changes or create/upload a new creative

  • Approved creatives automatically go to ACTIVE.
    ACTIVE creatives are ready to be served after campaign start date.

  • ACTIVE creatives can be PAUSED and RESUMED by you at any time.

  • If all creatives under a campaign are paused the campaign status will change to PAUSED.

  • If all creatives under a campaign are paused, the campaign status will also change to PAUSED.

  • When you use an already Approved creative from your Creative Library, the creative will automatically be approved for all campaigns in which you are using it.

When does my campaign go live?

A campaign will automatically change to LIVEstatus when the start date is reached and at least one creative is APPROVED. Approved creatives have an ACTIVEstatus.

When a campaign is LIVE, all ACTIVEcreatives under the campaign will be shown to your audience.

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Pause and resume creatives

You can pause a creative at any time. Pausing means the creative will stop being shown to your audience.

You can pause individual creatives or pause all the creatives of a same campaign by pausing the campaign.

Pause all creatives in a campaign

  1. Select the LIVEcampaign you wish to pause.

  2. On the Campaign details page, select Pause from the status drop-down menu.


  3. When you pause a campaign, all creatives for that campaign will stop being shown to your audience.

  4. The campaign status changes to PAUSED.

Pause individual creatives

  1. Select the LIVE campaign.

  2. On the Campaign details page, select the Creatives tab.

  3. Select the Pause icon on any ACTIVEcreative you wish to pause.

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  4. When you pause an individual creative, the creative status changes to PAUSED.

  5. If your campaign was LIVE, and this was the only ACTIVE creative, the campaign status also changes to PAUSED.



If you have re-used a creative for multiple campaigns, the creative will only be paused on the campaign you are pausing it from. The creative will continue being shown for the other campaigns.

Resume a paused campaign

  1. If a campaign is paused you have to Resume it before your ads can be shown again.

  2. Open Campaign details on any PAUSED campaign and select Resume from the status drop-down.


  1. If the campaign start date has passed, the campaign status changes to LIVE and all ACTIVE creatives for this campaign will start being shown.

Resume paused creatives

  1. You can Activate a paused creative whenever you like. When you do, the creative status changes to ACTIVE.

  2. If the campaign was PAUSED you have to select Activate from the campaign status drop-down before your ads will be shown again.

  3. ACTIVE creatives will again be shown to your audience when the campaign is LIVE.


You must resume paused campaigns manually before your ads can be shown again.

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